Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Mystical Weapon Of A Hero - 1102 Words

When it comes to the archetypal hero’s journey, one might see the mystical weapon as merely a box that needs to be checked off, but the mystical weapon of a hero is much more important than that. It serves to continue the plot of the story by jumpstarting many parts along the hero’s journey, many times it is the cause of the hero’s unusual birth. The mystical weapon is what enables a hero to overcome the insurmountable odds and accomplish their trials. A mystical weapon, is not just a tool that the hero harnesses, but their very identity. The mystical weapon is the very thing that makes the hero a hero. The mystical weapon is an extension of the Hero’s self. It is their defining characteristic and the shining beacon that shows to their world exactly why they are special. A hero without their weapon is powerless, and becomes nothing more than a common man. The mystical weapon has a great effect on the hero’s story, one of the places where this impac t can be seen most easily is with the unusual birth of the hero. A hero is always someone who was born differently than most, whether it is being born into royalty or severe poverty. Many times their unusual circumstances are a direct effect of their abilities or other times it serves to cement their power and resolve as a hero. A great example of this relationship is within the story of Harry Potter. Harry starts out as a normal kid within his world of magic and mystery, but the normal path that he was traveling was quicklyShow MoreRelatedBeowulf: An Analysis1615 Words   |  7 PagesFurthermore, in Beowulf, the protagonist, Beowulf, is an epic hero that emerges successful in his triumphs and tribulations by using his super-human physical strength and courage to put his people’s safety before his own. Beowulf encounters ferocious monsters and dragons, yet never fears the threat of death. 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